Privacy Policy

ALPHANET is committed to protecting customers privacy. This Privacy Policy describes what information and Personal Data ALPHANET collects, uses and processes about its customers and/or the users of its services and how this information and Personal Data is used in the course of ALPHANET’s business.
1 - Customer Data
ALPHANET and its sales agents collect customer data for providing and operating electronic communication services and/or products ordered by the customer. Customer’s data includes the subscriber’s (natural person) name, address, telephone number (s), id/passport number, date of birth, contact number, email address, direct debit details (where needed), billing address, credit check (for a possible guarantee), details of guarantors, the invoices issued per service per month, including payments made and disconnections. The abovementioned data is processed by ALPHANET throughout the validity period of the customer’s contract in order to deal with customers' services and products, customer’s billing, customer’s complaints management and/or requests and/or enquiries, or fraud related matters.
The following data is not erased: (a) Data maintained for law enforcement purposes when lawfully requested to do so by a Court of law (b) Data maintained for the purposes of taxation legislation (Law 95(I)/2000 and Law 4/1978), which are maintained for a period of six (6) years, © Data processed for the purposes of legitimate interest (e.g an action against a customer), which are maintained until the legitimate purpose is completed (d) Payment information referring to SEPA Direct Debit payments and information referring to the corresponding invoices settled which shall be maintained for a period of thirteen (13) months as per the SEPA rules.
2 - Traffic and Billing Data
ALPHANET processes traffic and billing data for the purposes of providing electronic communications services and/or products to its customers, for billing purposes and for suggesting discounts, loyalty plans/programs, rewards or benefits on such services and/or products or to comply with ALPHANET’s legal obligations. This data includes numbers called, location data, date, time and period of a call, network faults, IP addresses, email addresses, internet browsing, applications and features usage of the customer. Furthermore, ALPHANET takes all necessary steps to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity and availability of its network and services, e. g to protect against fraud, spam, security threats, attacks, viruses and/or unusually high traffic usage etc. Traffic and billing data is stored by ALPHANET for a period of six (6) months as provided by law. After the lapse of the six (6) month period this data is erased. The following data is not erased: (a) Data maintained for law enforcement purposes when lawfully requested to do so by a Court of law (b) Data processed for the purposes of legitimate interest (e.g an action against a customer), which are maintained until the purpose is completed.
Should a customer contact ALPHANET via telephone (inbound call) or ALPHANET contact a customer via telephone (outbound call), the conversations are recorded according to Law 112(I)/2004, solely for the purposes of proving that the commercial transaction between ALPHANET and the customer took place. These recorded conversations are stored for a period of five (5) years unless there is a disputed transaction, in which case they shall be stored until the dispute is resolved.
3 - Marketing
ALPHANET uses customer data, traffic and billing data for communicating and/or promoting:
  • ALPHANET’s products and services (including discounts, competitions and special promotions that may be of interest to the customer), which are similar to those ordered by the customer, with the use of an automated profiling process.
  • Personalised offers and recommendations based on how the customer uses ALPHANET’s products and services, location information and browsing information, with the use of an automated profiling process.
These communications and/or promotions shall be in the form of calls, post, fax and any form of electronic message (including, but not limited to, SMS, MMS, video, email, or apps).
4 - Mobile Applications and Internet Applications
ALPHANET customers or users who download any ALPHANET mobile or internet applications ("apps") are requested to verify their account details (where applicable). In these cases, ALPHANET shall process their data usage, their IP numbers, any websites visited (where applicable) and the customers' spending amount for billing purposes.
ALPHANET uses customer personal information (including access to information on device) so that apps function as expected and to eliminate errors and disruptions. Such information include which function you use within the app, for how long, the apps' functionality features etc.
5 - Cookies Policy
ALPHANET’s websites collect information about customer’s browsing preferences and settings with the use of cookies (=small text files stored on a device) in order to show them adverts or similar products or services or provide them with a better experience during their interaction with ALPHANET’s products and services.
Browsing preferences are anonymous and are shared with ALPHANET’s content partners. on a contractual basis obligation.
6 - General Customers’ Rights According to European Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”) and the applicable data protection legislation
6.1 — Right of Access
The Customers may be informed in more detail about the Personal Data ALPHANET processes about them: tel. 25 050 311, e-mail The right of access is subject to the provisions of the applicable data protection legislation, and the prior authentication of the legal subscriber.
6.2 — Right to Erasure ("Right to be Forgotten")
The Customers may request the erasure any of their Personal Data that is no longer necessary for ALPHANET’s purposes: tel. 25 050 311, e-mail The right to erasure is subject to the provisions of the applicable data protection legislation and the prior authentication of the legal subscriber.
6.3 — Data Portability
The Customers may exercise the right to data portability by submitting an application form to any ALPHANETshop. Data portability is subject to the provisions of the Cyprus data protection legislation and the prior authentication of the legal subscriber.
6.4 — Right of Updating, Rectification or Minimization of Personal Data
The Customers may update their Personal Data or request the correction of any inaccurate Personal Data or data minimization, by submitting an application form at any ALPHANETshop. These rights are subject to the provisions of the applicable data protection legislation and the prior authentication of the legal subscriber.
6.5 — Right to Object
The Customers have the right to object to the processing of their personal data, including any automated profiling: tel. 25 050 311, e-mail The right to object is subject to the applicable data protection legislation and the prior authentication of the legal subscriber.
7 - Duration of Personal Data Storage
ALPHANET stores customers' Personal Data for as long as mandated by the laws of the Republic of Cyprus and/or throughout the validity period of the customer’s contract. Certain Personal Data may be stored after the termination of the customer’s contract according to the provisions of the applicable legislation (as per paragraph 2 above).
8 - Debt Collection Agents
In case of unsettled bills ALPHANET may contact customers via its authorized collection agents (natural persons and/or collection companies) in order to attempt to achieve an amicable out-of-Court settlement of such unsettled bills. In such a case ALPHANET will communicate to these authorized collection agents only the necessary data, such as name, address, identity number and the unsettled bill amount. ALPHANET’s collection agents are bound by a confidentiality obligation.
9 - ALPHANET contact information / Complaints
Customers can contact ALPHANET for any information on its Privacy Policy at tel. 25 050 311 or e-mail:
10 - Definitions
10.1 - "Controller": means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State Law.
10.2 - "Personal Data": means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.
10.3 - "Processing": means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
10.4 - "Processor": means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes Personal Data on behalf of the Controller.